Closes May 12

If you are a fan of Taylor Mac or Sarah Ruhl’s then you must hustle & get tickets ๐ŸŽŸ๏ธ. This is a whimsical adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s love letter to her lover Vita Sackville-West. Orlando begins as a courtier to Queen Elizabeth. Orlando changes during his escapades to becoming a female . This is a transgender play done with high emotions & hilarity. The cast provides spectacular talent. I am a fan of the playwright who takes her shows beyond boundaries. I had lots laughs between some tears

The bar had a unique menu of cocktails and beer . The beers were Gay beer, Dykes beer. The beer was crisp with notes of honey & citrus. My Transgender friend loved it but sad no transgender beer.

After the performance the actors came out & mingled with audience members who wanted pics/autographs. This one of many reasons I enjoy seeing shows at Signature Theatre

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