History of Women’s Suffrage

Hillary Rodam Clinton is one of many producers, the money ! All female cast. Stuff’s is entertaining & empowers the audience with historical entertainment. I would almost say this is the response to Hamilton

Shaina Taub is the first woman to compose, write & star in same musical The music is lively & lyrics are memorable. My two favorite songs are “If we were married ” & “keep marching “

This musical 🎡 was very entertaining & enjoyable. At the end I felt powerful & proud of what they accomplished. The female population must see this monumental show & especially Chauvinistic pigs should see this.

The show is a must see We sat in mezzanine for $58 from Today Tix. Full stage view. Terrific seats.

Broadway Buzz 🐝 says that Hillary is known for coming to frequent shows & sometimes brings philandering Bill. 😹

Support this amazing show


East Carson Street

June & I zealous fans since American Idol. June & see every show. As tired he was , held the camera for a selfie. Constantine appreciates his fans. I follow on all platforms. I spotted him walking out & June spotted the lane next to us.

His show East Carson Street was terrific. It was a Staged Reading. A form of theater without sets or full costumes. The actors read from scripts

The entire cast was very talented. Constantine was the lead. A Musical 🎡 about a Pennsylvania town on and their happiness & saddens. It is a dramadey. Oh ! How it hope it comes to NYC

Jonathan Rosenberg who wrote the book keeps you engaged. Excellent book πŸ“•. Everyone in the Company : Joe Grushecky, music & lyrics Everyone involved deserves a standing ovation. A rude audience member female was Video recording & Constantine halts the show & tells her to Stop πŸ›‘ Audience behavior is shocking. Perhaps it’s a Jersey Thing. 😹. If someone in my seating area misbehaving I confront them or depending where I will get an usher

East Carson Street was fabulous. I enjoy musicals 🎢 I am excited what the next step is

Extended again

This is a tragedy that is hilarious. The cast of Jessica Lange, Jim Parsons & Celia Keenan-Bolgerare riveting. Paula Vogel, Playwright, tells a story of an alcoholic divorced mother of 2 children who is mean & thoughful. The play is complex & keeps you mesmerized . You become one with cast and feel for them. Scenic design , David Zinn, produces a roach infested apartment with hilarity & skivieness. Staging is seamless & clever for this 90minute. 5 evictions are dramatized While they are dealing with this, I am enjoying being with them.

I got my tix from Today Tix. Great seats & price. Sat in mezzanine

Alicia Keyes

This musical is the biographical story of Alicia Keyes single mother raising her in the gritty area know as Hell’s Kitchen. Playwright Kristoffer Diaz worked with Alicia Keyes songs. The star of show Maleah Joi Moon is making her Broadway debut. Her voice is beautiful. Alicia’s mother, Shoshana Bean, nags & interrupts her daughter’s hanging out on street corners with her friends & flirting with the bad boys Her mother is trying to prevent her from making music stakes she made. They live in Manhattan Plaza building where Broadway legends live. Each apartment tells a story. The actor that sings “Girl on Fire” gave me chills. Talented cast & ensemble. The choreography is so creative. The staging captures the gritty, poor neighborhood. Hell’s Kitchen is a fantastic story about a girl’s first love, becoming independent & learning what her single mother & missing father are trying to protect her. All Alicia’s songs are in show. The song “17”, written expressly for show. Michael Grief’s direction is excellent keeps show moves with unexpected bursts of song. This show was so good I didn’t want it to end. This is a must see

Winesday(the wine 🍷 tasting musical πŸŽΆ)

This is a must see show with your friends, book club, wine club or anyone who enjoys hilarity. Five women meet every Wednesday for book club. Mostly they talk about their jobs, boyfriends, dogs, gurus, kids because no one read the book. Memorable songs &dances. The actors are talented & enjoyable. After every scene an adorable & hilarious wine steward describes the wine 🍷 the audience is served. Fun & hilarious show

Psst! Psst! I Have Great News but

Memorize this name Seth Barnes, a creative Playwright. This hilarious show, Stupid Boring Straight People, was accepted by the self-Producing Artistic Residency Program at The Players Theatre.

This show is hilarious & interesting. As Seth say “what do you think your friends think you think of them” .

The Director, Elena Cramer, was making her full-length directing debut. The play was seamless & flowed hilariously. Elena was delighted to bring Seth’s work to life. The 2 actors, Alec Ludacka & Bryanna Marie Felipe played many roles wonderfully.

Seth is creative & humorous. Watch for his name & catch his next show. A team is needed to get a play to the stage. There was a bar with wine, beer & soda. Seth designed the bag. The Off Off Broadway shows are played at interesting venues. The Players Theatre is in an old building with No elevator!

While play is about Twenty ‘s life, anyone can relate to. I really enjoyed it look forward to his next show. It was a show that was meant to be discussed afterwards. The show was sold out & received a standing ovation.

Remember the name : SETH BARNES

Water 4 Elephants

A musical based the book by Sara Green. A young lad in his last semester in Vet school hops a train–it’s a circus train! His parents were killed in a car crash & just needed to get away. The first act is wonderful & tells a great story. The meshing of theatrical & acrobatics is seamless. Choreography is brilliant. This offers thrills & excitement. The show is 2hr40minutes & too long . There is too much fluff in second act. I found the animal abuse chilling & painful. I felt it should have been left to the imagination.It was interesting to learn about the circus. The puppetry was beautifully skillful. The elephant, Rosie, was so special plus she had the most stunning eyelashes

The cast is very talented & engaging. The Ringleader is abusive to his animals & wife. I did enjoy many aspects of show would & it was because of the story acrobatics ,choreography , & staging .The lyrics aren’t memorable but music 🎢 is great. Learned Circus slang so that was kool It is a good show but needs change. Listen go see it but be cognizant of some tough scenes!

We sat in mezzanine which is ideal so you didn’t end up with a crick in your next. One scene was the men hammering a post in the ground to the music–fabulous

The agent selling souvenirs explained the meaning of the logo, 2 acrobats reaching out to each other. It may take awhile to see it but look closely


Merrily We Roll Along

After many obstacles to see this show I was very disappointed. The joy of seeing Daniel Radcliffe, Johnathan Groff & Lindsay Gomez on the stage together did not help this play. I had reservations about going because of all the times it flopped. I figured with the headliners it would be terrific but in my opinion it was a mismash. The play had no plot. It flipped from past to present making it difficult to follow. The story eventually by second act lets you in on what’s happening.

Listen if you can get cheap tix see it for the cast. Staging was great as well as ensemble. Look live theatre is always a thrill so I liked everything but story plus too long. Of course you can’t go wrong with songs by Sondheim & Prince. So there are pluses but still not worth high tix prices. Looked like a sellout the day I went. One of the folks with me found it TEDIOUS!


Closes May 12

If you are a fan of Taylor Mac or Sarah Ruhl’s then you must hustle & get tickets 🎟️. This is a whimsical adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s love letter to her lover Vita Sackville-West. Orlando begins as a courtier to Queen Elizabeth. Orlando changes during his escapades to becoming a female . This is a transgender play done with high emotions & hilarity. The cast provides spectacular talent. I am a fan of the playwright who takes her shows beyond boundaries. I had lots laughs between some tears

The bar had a unique menu of cocktails and beer . The beers were Gay beer, Dykes beer. The beer was crisp with notes of honey & citrus. My Transgender friend loved it but sad no transgender beer.

After the performance the actors came out & mingled with audience members who wanted pics/autographs. This one of many reasons I enjoy seeing shows at Signature Theatre