Theatre 🎭 Ho

I will do anything for cheap theatre 🎭 seats. For this show $59. in rear balcony Row E. Excellent seats. The Lyceum Theatre is the oldest operating theater. To get to the balcony is a long climb up marble stairs in a circular fashion up 4 flights. Peeps were huffing & puffing plus passing gas! Some folks were hanging onto banister gasping & all for discounted seats.

Before the show had drinks at The Perfect Pint 🍻 next door. Handsome & friendly waitstaff. Maybe I wouldn’t have had 2 pints 🍺 if I knew I would be doing flights.

The theatre is gorgeous. Designed in Beaux Arts with Corinthian columns. Built in 1903, this theatre is a work of art. The big “L” is for LouisXIV

The show a Strange Loop is a sad story about a gay man who is black & fat & the pressure of bringing out his inner White Girl. Lyrics & choreography are wonderful. Cast is talented. The show is a musical with plenty of laughs The title refers to a cognitive illusion; you will end up back where you started. The show is great but hard to describe. Thoughtful, hilarious & thrilling. Not to be missed

I got my ticket from Today Tix

Medical Melodrama

What would you do if a sibling needed an organ? Well “Our Brother’s Son” , the Off Broadway show at The Pershing Square Signature Center will answer that question. Many family secrets are revealed & drama erupts. Staging is clever. Talented cast, well written. Enjoyable show😎

My favorite Dive Bar, Dave’s Irish ☘️ Bar on 9nth Ave between 42nd & 41st has closed for good. I have been a patron for about 40years. Fun joint. What happens in a dive bar stays in the dive bar. There has been many a time I stumbled to the bus. Boilermakers are a hit. Top on the list of My Dive Bar tour.

Since it was National Wine day, treated self to Sauvignon Blanc. Lol. Now wine comes in cans. The can fits nicely in the female hand.